Republican Candidate for Douglas County District 1 Dr. Justin Spiehs uploaded a trilogy of short videos to his YouTube channel on Wednesday, November 2 where he spoke about the reactions he was receiving as he stood on the corner of 6th Street and Kasold in Lawrence. Dr. Spiehs can be seen on this corner often holding a sign letting people know to vote for him. On occasion, he may have one or two friends join him in holding signs for his campaign. However, in his first video, he shows that a group of five are standing with him who he introduces as Sue, Nicole, Linda, Michelle, and her daughter.
In the video, titled ‘Strength in Numbers,’ Dr. Spiehs talks about how a ton of people are showing support for him by “honking and waving.” He says in the video that “people respond to numbers” and tells his viewers that you have to “keep showing up” and “have courage.”
Though there have only been a couple comments since the writing of this post from when the video was posted, all of the comments have been positive.

In the second video he released that night, titled ‘Better Than Liberal Tears,’ he talked about the reactions of those who oppose him and the Republican party.
“It triggers these liberals to no end to see that there’s support for me, for our movement, for Republicans,” Dr. Spiehs said in the video. “It triggers the shit out of them and it’s great, man. I love it. It’s better than liberal tears. They drive by and they are in hysterics.”
He then encouraged his viewers to go out and “represent” with him in his campaign.
In his third and final video from his night, ‘They Big Worried,’ Dr. Spiehs spoke further about liberal’s feelings when it comes to being “triggered,” stating that they feel “threatened.” He elucidates that this is not a feeling of being threatened in a “physical” or “violent way,” but that they are realizing that there are Republicans in the area that are standing up, building momentum, and building a movement.
“[Liberals] would rather go about their lives thinking that they control everything around here and that there’s only Democrats, there’s only liberals, but we’re out here,” Dr. Spiehs said in the video. “Literally. Literally on the block and they see that and that’s why I’m saying the more visible we can be, the more threatened they feel that they’re control and their grasp on everything around here is going to be slipping through their fingertips as we pry it away from them. And that’s exactly what we’re doing out here.”
He did receive some trolling from someone named Chris Budesa on this video.

In one comment, Budesa puts an orange emoji, a smiling poop emoji, and a clown emoji, followed by the words “lost the 2020 election,” assumingly referring to Republicans losing the 2020 Presidential election as if that was relevant to the video. He shows his knowledge of history in another comment by asking Dr. Spiehs if he is a “US SUBMARINE SERVICE VIETNAM veteran,” to which Dr. Spiehs has an arguably hilarious reply,
“Two things: first, can you read bro? and second if I was a Vietnam veteran I would be 70-80 years old. Try a little logic and reality testing before tryin to come at me.”
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8.