Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that this year is really great for you. I know some people say that resolutions are dumb and every year is the same, and I think that’s true if you’re unwilling to dedicate yourself to some kind of change. I look at the new year like I look at Mondays—it’s a fresh start filled with new opportunities (and if you don’t see any opportunities coming your way, make one).
I kept searching for job opportunities in journalism, but nothing was ever a good fit for me, so back in April of 2022, I released a pamphlet (yes, The Kansas Constitutional was originally an 8 page pamphlet, fun trivia fact). However, after manually printing, folding, and stapling 100 pamphlets I realized how expensive and time consuming it was and distributing them was also not great. I put them out at a few businesses in Lawrence but never really knew who, if anyone, would take them. I learned about Substack, and decided this would be the best option for me.
I think of those of you who are receiving this email as my OG readers, and I greatly appreciate you. You guys are the reason I have continued my newsletter and have shown me that there is a want for the kind of journalism I do.
In 2023, I’m going to continue to work to grow this newsletter, and you guys are my best advertising to do that when you talk about The Kansas Constitutional to your friends, family, and coworkers. When you share and like my articles, it really makes a difference. I have already made a few changes in 2023, like my location. Yes, I haven’t done all that much with my newsletter the past couple of weeks because, along with the busyness of the holidays, I have been working on moving out of Douglas County and I am now about 45 minutes north in the small town of Valley Falls. Still close to Topeka and Lawrence, but with the small town vibe I have been wanting.
I have some plans to make other changes with The Kansas Constitutional with the hopeful and ambitious goal of making this my full-time job in 2023 and not just my side gig after an 8 hour day. More on that as the year develops. In the meantime, I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year, and thank you so much for your support!