Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns announce Bob Bethell KanCare Oversight and Home and Community Based Services Oversight Committee meeting
Article - 2 minute read
Today, the Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) announced the Bob Bethell KanCare Oversight and Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Oversight Committee meeting will take place from Wednesday, November 2 to Thursday, November 3.
Those who would like to testify before the Committee have until 5 p.m. Wednesday, October 26. You must contact Principal Research Analyst for Kansas Legislative Research Department Iraida Orr, J.D. at (785) 296-4408 to be added to the agenda and must confirm if you will be attending in person or virtually. Virtual presenters will be sent a Webex link a couple of days before the meeting.
All conferees are also required to submit an electronic copy (PDF) of testimony to Iraida.Orr@KLRD.ks.gov and 50 paper copies to Room 68-West of the Statehouse by 5:00 p.m. on October 28, 2022.
This is a public meeting. You may attend in person or view the meeting live or archived on Harmony or YouTube. Those links for each day also appear on the agenda under the meeting dates.
For questions, you can contact Orr at 785-296-4408 or at Iraida.Orr@klrd.ks.gov