Kansas Libertarians suspect Democrat efforts are likely behind Steve Hohe advertisements
Article - 2 minute read
When thinking about the election for U.S. Kansas House District 3 your mind probably goes to Republican candidate Amanda Adkins or Democrat incumbent Sharice Davids. However, as election day draws near, more ads are appearing for Libertarian candidate Steve Hohe. Libertarians in the third district, however, have been noticing something suspicious about these advertisements.
On Sunday, October 30, Michael Kerner posted on the Facebook page ‘Kansas Third District Libertarians’, “Democratic Party tactic, help the Libertarian. I just saw a TV ad on Fox for Steve Hohe. It was clearly paid for by Sharice or her cohorts since it followed immediately after an Amanda Adkins attack. This seems to be a Democratic tactic, help the Libertarian in the hope of peeling off some votes from the Republican. I guess they don't know how many votes we get from unhappy Democrats.”
In a comment to this post, Kerner further says, “I saw that ad last night and again this morning. They refer to him as Kansas Conservative. No use of the word Libertarian. They are spending a lot of money on this tactic. I guess they expect to lose and doing a last ditch Hail Mary.”
Another comment on the post by Eric Lund highlighted Voter Protection Project, an organization that, just by the name, sounds like a group working to protect the security of voting, something Republicans often voice concern for. However, when you visit their page they immediately tell you exactly who they are,
“The Voter Protection Project will fight back against President Trump’s and Republicans’ attacks on our right to vote, by leading the charge to make sure every American has the right to cast a ballot.”
Their mission statement says,
“Advocating for an aggressive agenda to expand voting rights by supporting candidates that are champions for voter equality. We are leading the charge against Republicans at the state and federal level who seek to suppress our right to vote by taking electoral action.”
Lund said in his comment that this group has “sent out a large glossy full color postcard.” He claimed half of the postcard “trashes” Amanda Adkins while the other half promotes Steve Hohe. He also said the postcard never uses the word “Libertarian”.
Voter Protection Project has hailed Sharice Davids as one of their 57 “champions”, the only one from Kansas, linking her page to a photo on their site.