This is part 2 of the ‘Kansas Patriots host rally at State Capitol. To read part 1, click here.
Republican Candidate for Attorney General Kris Kobach was the next speaker, but due to scheduling, he was still on his way from another event. Due to this, people from the crowd took turns going up and speaking on issues close to their heart including MC Pereira, President of Kansas Patriots Sean McCoy, Managing Editor/Publisher of Metro Voice News Lee Hartman, Byron Trackwell who spoke on climate change, Kansas State University Student Braden Hulshof, Independent Journalists Wesley Keller and Franklin Urquhart from Molon Labe Truth, and Lawrence businesswoman Amy Baughman.

After about twenty minutes, Kobach took to the steps of the Capitol to speak. He talked about teaching Constitutional law and listed five ways President Joe Biden has gone against the Constitution including:
Denying the first amendment rights of men and women in uniform by forcing them to take the vaccine over their religious objection
Undermining our second amendment rights by promoting states adopt red flag laws that allow the seizing of a citizen’s arms without any trial and without any probable cause
Violating the separation of powers by declaring through executive decree that the federal government was going to spend $500 billion forgiving student loans without any input by congress
Violating Article I powers of the congress by ordering the EPA and OSHA to adopt regulations that are in violation of federal statute
Violating Article II requirement that the executive faithfully execute the law by ordering ICE agents and Border Patrol Officers not only to stop enforcing the law but to break the law themselves
He also mentioned his friend American media executive Steve Bannon who has been sentenced to four months in prison for not obeying a subpoena from the January 6 committee. Kobach also pointed out that Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee Eric Holder, Jr. also refused to appear under Congressional Committee despite also receiving a congressional subpoena and did not go to jail or even get prosecuted. Kobach said he doesn’t believe either belong in jail for ignoring their subpoenas and told the crowd that if Bannon he will be considered a “political prisoner” and said that this was like the “Soviet Union” or “Communist China.” He also informed the crowd that Bannon did not testify due to Article II of the Constitution forbidding him from telling congress any confidential conversations that he had with President Trump.
“Ladies and gentlemen, something is really wrong with our country,” Kobach said. “That is why we have the authority and the ability to exercise our right to vote, and we can take this country back on November 8. We have to take this country back. It’s not just my race for Attorney General. We need to take this country back in every race because that sends a message to the other side that we see these violations of the Constitution and we’re going to do something about it…. Of course, what I’ll be doing—we’ll be suing Joe Biden.”
He also said that should a red wave come, President Biden will not slow down on violating the Constitution but will probably speed up as Former President Barak Obama did in 2010. However, he gave hope by thanking God for the Founding Fathers creating the Constitution and Former President Donald Trump for appoint Constitutional Federal Judges.
Kobach finished by speaking on issues at the state level, and the importance of electing a Republican Governor, highlighting bills that were vetoed by Democrat Governor Laura Kelly including two bills that protect girls from having to compete in sports with biological males; a bill that gave 18-20 year-olds the right to conceal carry if they take a course; and the reduction of the sales tax on food twice only to pass it the third time while up for reelection.
“Democrats in Kansas pretend, when it is election time, that they’re middle of the road,” Kobach said. “That they work with Republicans. They pretend…. And they take a few symbolic actions to try to make it seem that way, but the rest of the time they are hard left, and they are doing as much damage to the Constitution, almost, as Joe Biden’s Administration is. That’s why we have to spread the word about the truth on all these issues.”
MC Pereira, who is on her local school board of education, spoke further on Governor Kelly’s “lies” after Kobach, specifically highlighting Governor Kelly’s claim that she “fully funds education.”
“She may be paying for general education, fully funded, but that was not by choice,” Pereira said. “Our school districts here in the state of Kansas sued so they could get the money that they needed, so that wasn’t even on her…. Right now, our district of 7,000 students, we need about $3.3 million in order for her to make up what she owes us…. That is not fully funding, because when you fully fund special education, it helps all kids…. We are legally required to pay for special education if it’s written in a 504 or an IEP. We are required to pay for it by law. So, if we’re not getting the money to pay for those types of activities, that money has to come from somewhere because we’re legally required to provide the service. So, it’s coming out of the general fund which helps all kids and is just going to a certain select population. So, when she says she fully funds education here in Kansas, she is lying to you.”
Republican Candidate for Kansas Governor Derek Schmidt started his speech talking about the number of people he has heard talk about their genuine worry about the direction we are going.

“I believe that a large part of why that is so is this mentality—this big government, socialist mentality that has taken over the instruments of power in Washington D.C.—has this country headed in a direction that is simply not right for so many of us in Kansas,” Schmidt said. “…For folks here in Kansas, we also have a Biden Democrat on the second floor of this building behind me in the Governor’s Office who has that same philosophy.”
Schmidt spoke about a debate he and Governor Kelly had a couple of weeks ago in Johnson County and how he asked her if she really believed that America and Kansas are better off today because Joe Biden is in the White House. He told the crowd that Governor Kelly said she was “not going to answer that question.”
“Friends, that tells us all we need to know,” Schmidt said. “Truth of the matter is we have a governor who knows she is out of step with most of the people of Kansas. She knows her free choice to be a Democrat, to associate with that crowd in Washington, to have the same big government socialist ideas—that doesn’t square with Kansas Patriots. But she doesn’t want folks to figure out that that’s what she’s about. At least not for 17 more days.”
Schmidt said the mission is to remind Kansans of the errors the current leadership team has made over the past four years, and they need to be held accountable, and that there are better options on the ballot.
Schmidt listed things his political opponents under the “Biden Democrat philosophy” thought was okay including shutting down churches under penalty of criminal prosecution, even on Easter Sunday. Locking children out of school and trying to keep them out, some for over a year. He pointed out that suicidal thoughts in teens is up to one in three since these policies were implemented. Mental health interventions for kids are up. Behavioral issues for kids going back to school are up, especially the youngest ones who didn’t go to kindergarten or first grade. Academic performances are down. About 15,000 kids have left the school system in Kansas because parents didn’t want to wait and started looking for something better. And good teachers are leaving the profession in droves.
“That is a record of failing our children,” Schmidt said. “We have to hold this governor accountable for that. By the way, this is not just a history lesson. It’s ongoing until today. In fact, I think it was just two weeks ago our governor was asked if that was all a mistake…. She said she makes absolutely no apology for those decisions even though we know what we know now.”
He also reminded people that they declared small businesses in Kansas “nonessential,” stating that “157,000 Kansans were thrown out of work in three short months,” and would have gone on longer until Republicans stepped up and said she couldn’t do that anymore. He further mentioned that Kansas lags behind those recovering from the lockdown, ranking 44 among states.
“This governor’s Department of Labor failed miserably,” Schmidt continued. “Not only did they lose $450 million to crooks and fraudsters, but an awful lot of our friends and neighbors who were in need. They couldn’t even get their government to answer phone calls and emails to get them help at a time, in some cases, desperation. Kansas can do so much better than this misguided philosophy.”
He also pointed out that Governor Kelly vetoed more than 20 tax cuts including the food sales tax cut which she vetoed twice until the reelection year. She vetoed a bill on mental health assistance, making it less affordable. He also pointed out a bill that he referred to as a bipartisan “common sense” bill that she vetoed twice that would keep biological males from playing in women’s sports and that it would be one of the first bills he would sign into law. He pointed out that Governor Kelly calls herself bipartisan despite vetoing more Republican bills than any other governor in modern Kansas history.
The rally ended at 2 p.m. with a closing prayer.
A special thanks should go to Vice President of Kansas Patriots April McCoy and Treasurer of Kansas Patriots Marcie Green for putting on the rally. To join the Kansas Patriots Facebook page, click here. There next meeting will be on Saturday, November 12 at Annie’s Place at noon.