On Sunday, September 11, eight members from the Facebook group ‘Kansas Patriots’ flew flags at I-70 and Fairlawn in Topeka in remembrance of those that died on 9/11.
“I come out here because a group of very evil people flew some planes into some buildings back there in New York called the World Trade Center,” Kansas Patriot Vince Bateman said. “Instead of letting the darkness take over this nation through Atheism and Karl Marxism and Communism and all those -isms, I come out here to stand for freedom by holding the flag up. People give their lives for this flag and it’s also a fingerprint of God.”
The group started gathering around 1 p.m. to stand on the Fairlawn overpass with their American flags waving. People passing them on Fairlawn and driving underneath the overpass on I-70 honked and waved at the members, showing their support for the group’s effort.
“I’m the different one of the group,” Kansas Patriot David Meyersick said. “I’m a little more on the, ‘I don’t want to take too much crap from the evil government’ and at the same time I try to go out and keep people’s spirits up—cheer them up. We have youngens out here, too, so we keep things pretty good and happy.”
Kansas Patriots have been waving flags including the Gadsden flag, thin blue line flags, and even a flag that Treasurer of Kansas Patriots Marcie Green made that says, ‘Save America,’ in Topeka every Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon for the past three years, with 9/11 being an annual tradition.
“There used to be a flag on every house,” Green said. “You don’t see that anymore. I found it disgusting…. Showing that you’re patriotic has now become a Fourth of July thing. Why should it be just one day out of the year? It shouldn’t be that way. You should be showing it every day in one way or another. Whether it’s on your car. Flag waving. Even having the little ‘I Voted’ sticker on your phone. Something to show your patriotism. Instead, you have people burning flags, stomping on them, whatever. To me, that ought to be a crime, and if you read the laws, technically, it is. But it’s becoming more commonplace than people showing patriotism.”
Green, who is also a conservative blogger, is helping set up a rally at the Capital building on Saturday, October 22 where people running for election will have booths and be speaking. The rally will start at noon and go until 2 p.m. A parade will precede the rally.
“This country is being run into the ground,” Green said. “We’re going to become a third world country if this keeps up. There’s no way we can allow this, but there are so many people who are afraid to speak up because they’re afraid they’re alone. Flag waving shows them they are not alone. We show our conservative flags. We show our American flags. And it shows conservatives they are not alone.”
Kansas Patriot’s will have there next meeting at Annie’s Place in Topeka on Saturday, September 24 at 6 p.m.