Kansas Representative Brandon Woodard's Twitter is unhinged, but helpful
Opinion/Abortion and LGBT Issues - 4 minute read
Kansas Representative Brandon Woodard is a Lenexa Democrat. He’s gay. He’s got his pronouns in his Twitter bio. The whole shebang. Now, I’m not here to bully him, even if he may have convinced himself that words are violence. I do want to talk about one thing he’s doing that I actually really like. However, I also decided to write about him for another reason that’s more on a personal level.
Number one, Rep. Woodard tweeted something on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, that really irked me as a man who, like him, is also gay and so I want to address it for my readers, because I found it super gross and disingenuous for people like me who, again, are also gay.
What Rep. Woodard means by “anti-reproductive freedom” is the House overrode the vetoes for bills like:
HB2264 which requires women to be informed that their medication abortions may be reversible and changing the definition of “abortion” to clarify procedures that are excluded from such definition. For example, removing an ectopic pregnancy would no longer be legally defined as an abortion, an argument unjustly used against pro-lifers by pro-abortionists.
HB2313 which creates the ‘Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.’ Rep. Woodard provides the short title below, which does a pretty good job explaining the bill.
So, this bill gives infants legal protections so they aren’t just left to die on a table, after a failed abortion, which yes, is something that happens in Kansas. A doctor testified in favor of the bill because of that. Nevertheless, he still voted against it along with 36 other House Democrats. Still, this bill passed the House and the Senate, but Rep. Woodard made his feelings known about that, too….
As far as “anti-LGBTQ” goes, Rep. Woodard is referring to bills like:
S Sub for HB2138 which requires separate accommodations for students of biological sex on overnight school district sponsored trips.
SB228 which would ensure the separation of incarcerated males and females. This one also passed both the House and Senate.
So what really irks me about Rep. Woodard is his claim that bills like these two are “anti-LGBTQ,” because they’re not. He could argue that they’re anti-TQ. However, anti-LGB? No. Us normal LGB people who just want to live our lives and not obsess over the gender and sexuality of other people’s children like a creep aren’t upset by these bills. LGB and even some T are being held hostage by these TQ weirdos for their own selfish movement, and I will make it clear every chance I get that as a “normal gay person” and not a “queer gay person” that I don’t want things like male rapists in women’s prisons just because they say they’re a woman, nor do I want high school females having to sleep in the same room as a male student over night, just because that male says they’re a girl. These aren’t “anti-LGBTQ” bills because they’re really pro-women and children bills, and as a man who happens to be gay, I am glad that enough of the House had the decency to override these vetoes.
Now that that’s out of the way, I do need to give Rep. Woodard a compliment because he is doing something I would like more Kansas Representatives and Kansas Senators to do—both Democrats and Republicans. He tweets out what bill the Kansas House is going to look at next, providing both the number and the short title. Then, after it’s been voted on he tweets out if it passed or not, the total number of votes, and how he voted. That is transparent governing, and so while I absolutely dislike his politics and find him unhinged, I have to say, I do admire him for informing his constituents so well.
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