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(Political Party, District number, Voted Yes/No/Did not vote)—Names in bold are no longer in the Kansas Senate.
SCR 1613 - Establishes a State Constitutional Amendment Specifying that Abortion Shall Not Be Constitutionally Protected - Voting Record (January 29, 2020)
Dennis D. Pyle (R,1,Y), Marci A. Francisco (D,2,N), Tom Holland (D,3,N), David Haley (D,4,N), Kevin Braun (R,5,Y), Pat Huggins Pettey (D,6,N), Barbara Goolsbee Bollier (D,7,N), Jim Denning (R,8,Y), Julia Lynn (R,9,Y), Mike Thompson (R,10,Y), John Skubal (R,11,N), Caryn Tyson (R,12,Y), Richard Hilderbrand (R,13,Y), Bruce Givens (R,14,Y), Dan Goddard (R,15,Y), Ty Masterson (R,16,Y), Jeff Longbine (R,17,Y), Vic Miller (D,18,N), Anthony M. Hensley (D,19,N), Eric Rucker (R,20,Y), Dinah H. Sykes (D,21,N), Tom Hawk (D,22,N), Robert S. Olson (R,23,Y), Randall R. Hardy (R,24,Y), Mary Ware (D,25,N), Dan Kerschen (R,26,Y), Gene Suellentrop (R,27,Y), Mike Petersen (R,28,Y), Oletha Faust-Goudeau (D,29,N), Susan Wagle (R,30,Y), Carolyn McGinn (R,31,Y), Larry W. Alley (R,32,Y), Mary Jo Taylor (R,33,Y), Edward E. Berger (R,34,Y), Richard Wilborn (R,35,Y), Elain S. Bowers (R,36,Y), Molly Baumgardner (R,37,Y), Bud Estes (R,38,Y), John Doll (R,39,Y), Rick Billinger (R,40,Y)
All 11 Democrats unanimously voted no and they were joined in their voting by Senator Joh Skubal (R) who did represent district 11. The other 28 Republicans all voted yes. A total of 14 of those that voted are no longer in the Kansas Senate including 3 Democrats and 11 Republicans.
HCR 5003 - Amends the State Constitution to Allow Legislative Regulation and Specify that there is No Constitutional Right to Abortion - Kansas Key Vote (January 28, 2021)
Dennis D. Pyle (R,1,Y), Marci A. Francisco (D,2,N), Tom Holland (D,3,N), David Haley (D,4,N), Jeff Pittman (D,5,N), Pat Huggins Pettey (D,6,N), Ethan Corson (D,7,N), Cindy Holscher (D,8,N), Beverly Gossage (R,9,Y), Mike Thompson (R,10,Y), Kellie Warren (R,11,N), Caryn Tyson (R,12,Y), Richard Hilderbrand (R,13,Y), Michael A. Fagg (R,14,Y), Virgil Peck Jr. (R,15,Y), Ty Masterson (R,16,Y), Jeff Longbine (R,17,Y), Kristen O’Shea (R,18,Y), Rick Kloos (R,19,Y), Brenda S. Dietrich (R,20,Y), Dinah H. Sykes (D,21,N), Tom Hawk (D,22,N), Robert S. Olson (R,23,Y), Jeremy Ryan Claeys (R,24,Y), Mary Ware (D,25,N), Dan Kerschen (R,26,Y), Gene Suellentrop (R,27,Y), Mike Petersen (R,28,Y), Oletha Faust-Goudeau (D,29,N), Renee Erickson (R,30,Y), Carolyn McGinn (R,31,Y), Larry W. Alley (R,32,Y), Alicia Straub (R,33,Y), Mark B. Steffen (R,34,Y), Richard Wilborn (R,35,Y), Elain S. Bowers (R,36,Y), Molly Baumgardner (R,37,Y), Bud Estes (R,38,DNV), John Doll (R,39,Y), Rick Billinger (R,40,Y)
Republicans unanimously voted yes, apart from Bud Estes from district 38 who did not vote. Democrats unanimously voted no for a total of 28 votes yes and 11 votes no. All senators are still representing their respective districts except for Senator Estes who sadly died in 2021.