Updated 08/02/2022
A Pro-Life march took place in Lawrence on Saturday, July 30 down Massachusetts St. People started gathering in South Park at around 4 pm. A prayer was held before the march began. Over 50 marchers went down Massachusetts St. twice starting at the park, turning around at 6th St. and going back on the other side of Massachusetts St.
The march was put on by March Coordinator Josh Newey and Republican Candidate for District 1 Dr. Justin Spiehs.
“I’m doing this because I feel like God gave me a gift where I can coordinate things,” Newey said. “I feel like this was a perfect opportunity to serve Him, and so, that’s all I’m trying to do. Just do what He’d be pleased with. I figure this would be a great place to start with.”
The march was meant to promote voting “Yes” on the Value Them Both bill which Kansans will vote on, on Tuesday, August 2. This bill will not ban abortion, nor result in any immediate changes. What it would do is allow us to stop taxpayer-funded abortions, stop third-trimester abortion procedures, and reinstate specific abortion clinic safety regulations. The text that would be added to the Kansas Constitution would state,
“§ 22. Regulation of abortion. Because Kansans value both women and children, the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion. To the extent permitted by the constitution of the United States, the people, through their elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion, including, but not limited to, laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, or circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother.”
Newey sent emails out every weekend to about 80 churches in preparation for the march. He also said he wanted to do the march in Lawrence after meeting Dr. Spiehs. “He’s very vocal. He has a strong stance on things. So, when I met him, I got to learn that there are other likeminded people here. It really is just a part of finding out who’s your crowd—where’s your people.”
While marching, they did receive some honks of support by passing drivers, but many Lawrence locals responded in anger. Some simply gave the marchers a thumbs down or gave them the middle finger. Some booed or yelled insults or other derogatory things. One woman yelled at the marchers, “I hope you get shot in the face.” Another woman did not speak but rather growled as she purposefully knocked into the marchers. A man with long hair followed the crowd after flipping them off in his car where he blared heavy metal music. He would get out of his car at certain points along Massachusetts St. yelling things at the marchers like, “I love children,” and “I love you.”
Though the pro-life marchers did not engage in any physical way, some did yell back at the locals that were yelling at them. Dr. Spiehs referred to one man that yelled at the marchers as a woman and told restaurant attendants who were booing the march to be louder, to which the restaurant attendants complied.
Responders Duval, Welch, and Zook from the Lawrence Police Department responded to calls made by the marchers. The man with long hair did get arrested and charged with a DUI. As of this publication, it is not known if any other charges were brought upon any one else.
After the march there was music followed by two speakers.
Capitol City Baptist Church Pastor Mark Oprzedek, who spoke at the rally, said in his speech, “The goal of a civilized society is to pass laws that promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Voting ‘Yes’ on August 2 will do just that.”
The rally ended at 7 pm with a closing prayer.