Hey, everyone. I hope you are all having a great start to your week. I just wanted to go over some updates I’m making for my subscribers.
Free Subscriptions
Not much is changing with free subscriptions. You’re still getting all my news articles and PDDs. The one thing that I am changing is that the third week of the month where I give my opinions on certain issues is not going to happen anymore. I like to be well versed on the topics I choose and that means a LOT of research can go into them. With that being said, I’m not going to stop writing my opinion pieces, I’m just going to integrate them into the week I write my ‘What is __?’ piece which is where I explain a word, acronym, or term that I hear people using incorrectly or maybe simply don’t know about. My opinion may be in regard to a word, acronym, or term, so on occasion you will still get that.
1st Wednesday of every month: Based opinion pieces
2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month: Political Deep Dive - looking at Kansas bills and how our Representatives and Senators have voted on them.
This Day in Kansas History brought to you by Kansas Historian Emily Brannan
News stories and interviews with Kansas politicians and activists
Poems on politics, society, or simply intriguing ideas on the 4th and 18th of every month brought to you by Prize-Winning Poet I. D. Brannan
The Gay Kansas Conservative Podcast episodes
Paid Subscriptions ($5/month or $55/year)
Everything you get with a free subscription +
From the State: Find out about the Kansas Governor's bills, vetoes, and announcements and (on occasion) read about my thoughts on what the Governor is doing with my Hot Takes
Monthly Inflation Rates for the Midwest Region
Press Releases
Poems on politics, society, or simply intriguing ideas on the 1st and 15th of every month brought to you by Prize-Winning Poet I. D. Brannan
*NEW* Reviews: On occasion you can find out my thoughts and opinions on books, movies, series, and live shows that come to Kansas
*NEW* Small Business Highlight: A monthly article highlighting a small business in Kansas
*NEW* College Inquiry: On occasion I will be going to college campuses in Kansas to ask students questions on different topics
*NEW* Lists: Informative, fun lists on a variety of topics
Paid Subscriber Extras: On occasion, I provide exclusive jaw-dropping opinion pieces, poems, etc. for paid subscribers as a sort of thank you for your generosity and support!
Comment on all the articles we send out
The satisfaction of knowing your money is going toward an independent journalist who wants to work to make Kansas a better state
Monday & Tuesday: Paid and free articles, typically more important news
Wednesday: Paid and free articles, PDDs or opinion pieces
Thursday: Paid and free articles, typically lighter news
Certain published pieces go off of dates rather than days of the week (i.e. poems or This Day in Kansas History) and therefore you may receive emails outside of our Monday - Thursday schedule
Having a fulltime job, I am not always able to push something out every day, even with the new four (4) day publishing schedule. Please keep this in mind if I miss a day and thank you for your support!